Thursday, June 6, 2019

Why I Want a Wife Essay Example for Free

Why I Want a Wife EssayMatthews and Cofer both came from unalike cultures and both have problems. They lived two completely different lives. Both Matthew and Cofer worried about their friends excepting the fact that they had other culture. They both lived in the United States but had another life that they didnt like sharing, but their family would not let them forget about it. In Dont C altogether Me a Hot Tamale Cofer, option One, Matthews, and My cardinal Lives, Lahiri in all face similar adversity, social problems, and tough decision. In all three stories they have different but sometimes life changing decision to make.In Dont Call Me a Hot Tamale, Cofer, Pick One, Matthews, and My Two Lives, Lahiri all have different yet similar adversity. They all face dilemmas in their everyday life. In Dont Call Me a Hot Tamale, Cofer gets criticized for the right smart dressed. When she dresses like her mother and grandmother was taught to wear. They dressed to ask sexy for them selves. however others looked down on her for that. In Pick One, Matthews he has to make a decision that he would have to live with the rest of his life. both he chose to be white or black. Matthews was both black and Jewish.Matthewss mother was Jewish and his father was black. When he went to his first day of his revolutionary school, the kids looked at him. They made him chose black or white. In My Two Lives, Lahiri never got to forget about her second culture. Her parents reminded her every day. Social problems were a big deal for Cofer, Matthews, and Lahiri. They all went through some kind of social problems. In Dont Call Me Hot Tamale, Judith Ortiz Cofer has social problems because of the way she dresses. People dont wish to talk to a person like her that dresses like that.One night she was having dinner at a nice hotel and after she ate, she went back to her room, and on her way a middle-aged man in a tuxedo stopped her and started singing her a song. In Pick One, David Ma tthews he has social problems at his new school. One day in the hallway, on his way to class some of his classmates stopped him. Some of the kids were asking him black or white? What are you. He had never heard that before. He went on about his business. Later that day, it was lunch time. He walked into the lunch room and he knew right then he had to pick. It was a very hard decision to make.He made the decision to be white because they looked the most like him, and had more in common with them. In My Two Lives, Jhumpa Lahiri was afraid her friends wouldnt accept her because she had two cultures. But her parents wouldnt let her forget about her other culture. She spoke English without a accent, she comprehended the terminology in a way her parents couldnt. Because of her looks she did not attend Sunday school. Conflict of growth up was hard for all three of these people Dont Call Me a Hot Tamale, Cofer, Pick One, Matthews, and My Two Lives, Lahiri all moved from a different count ry when they was young.They had to learn a new language, understand how to blab out English, and make new friends. Even after they mastered the language people still looked at them differently. Judith Ortiz Cofer had to live with people looking at her for the way she dressed. But that was how her mother and grandmother dressed. David Matthews had to live with making a decision that would follow him the rest of his life. His mother was Jewish and his father was black. He had a lot of difference while he was growing up. Jhumpa Lahiri parents wouldnt let her forget about her other culture.Hey told her until they pasted away that her second culture would be in her life. In Dont Call Me a Hot Tamale, Judith Ortiz Cofer, Pick One, David Matthews, and My Two Lives, Jhumpa Lahiri all have different yet similar adversitys, social problems, and conglict of growing up. In all three stories they all go through life changing experiences. Cofer goes through things because of the way she dresses . Matthews goes through school and has to pick what color he is. And last Lahiri worries about her friends accepting her for who she is.

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