Friday, November 29, 2019
Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan Essay Example
Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan Essay The case study reports about the Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan (SEED the largest convenient store operator and franchiser In Japan. Seven Eleven Japan provides several helpful understanding about cleaving supply chain strategic fit In the convenient store industry. In this industry, responsiveness of the supply chain is the most important factor. Firstly, SEE has a set of facilities that are strategically responsive. Its facilities are decentralized in terms of both location and capacity. The report also discusses about the benefits and risks involved. Secondly, Sees transportation system is not only relatively efficient but also responsive and capable of rapid-replenishment. The system is a cross-docking transportation model with goods flow through distribution centers. Advantages as well disadvantages of the model are discussed. Thirdly, SEE invested in a powerful Information system that allows rapid and efficient communication. Point of sales data are utilized to bring about a competitive advantage and a smooth cooperation of with suppliers. Features, benefits and risks associated with the system have also been discussed. Fourthly, SEE practices an Inventory management strategy that place great Importance on freshness and choose to reduce flow time instead of holding more inventory to be responsive. Heretofore, ten report Alehouses tout ten recent moves AT s duplicate the supply chain structure in the United States. CASE BACKGROUND We will write a custom essay sample on Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Supply Chain Strategy of Seven Eleven Japan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1. 1 Seven Eleven Japan (SEE) SEE is the largest operator and franchiser of convenient stores in Japan. Since its establishment in November 1973, SEE has been growing quickly. By July 2007, SEE has 11,704 stores in Japan. In July 2007, 7-Eleven also became worlds largest retail chain store with more than 32,000 stores all over the world . 1. 2 Purpose This case study, by examine the supply chain strategies of SEE, aims to offer understandings about supply chain strategies in the convenient store industry. With those understandings, several insights about how to achieve strategic fit in this industry can be gained. 1. 3 Strategic Fit in the convenient store industry To achieve strategic fit in this industry, firms must understand the customer needs, demand uncertainty and supply chain capabilities. After that, firms must develop and erect their strategy to fit with the requirements from customer and the supply chain. Below are some characteristics in customer needs and supply chain requirements in this industry. Batch size: Usually small to medium Response time that customer can tolerate: Medium to short. Customers usually expect to conveniently get the item they want in short time Variety: Moderately important Service Level: Medium to high Price: Higher than large supermarkets and wholesale malls Product innovation: moderately important 2. FACILITIES Apparently, in the convenient store industry, responsiveness is a key factor of the supply chain. Moreover, SEE places much more emphasis on the freshness of the produce it sells. Therefore, SEE facilities were designed to support a high level of responsiveness. 2. 1 Location In terms of location, it is easy to notice that SEE locates its stores extremely close to the customers to be responsive. For example, 48% of Sees customers live within 500 meters from the stores, and 63% within 1000 meters. 53% of customers come by less than five minutes of walk or drive . In order to achieve that short distance from its customers, SEE had to develop a dense distribution network. Stores are managed through a system of clusters. There are around 50 to 60 stores in a cluster. Stores in a cluster are concentrated closely to each other in specific areas in a market dominance strategy. A typical Sees Store serves an area within 500 meters radius of it. As stated in its 1994 annual report, the market dominance strategy offers several benefits such as higher efficiency of the system, brand awareness or competitive strength. I Nat Is ten reason winy although Is ten strongest convenient store in Japan, it has covered only 70% of Japan prefectures. 2. Capacity Although the number of SKU that SEE keep is not high, its facilities are highly Dragon palpable. Sees stores are small facilities (average area of 1200 square feet) capable of stocking only around 3,000 stock keeping units (SKIS) while large supermarkets can store more than 100,000 Skis. However, as said above, Sees stores form a dense network of 50 to 60 stores per area. That helps boost the capacity of SEE stores many times. In other words, the small scale of one SEE store is to serve a very small area (500 meters radius), which is not more than the capacity of the store. More importantly, a massive collection of such small stores in a specific area has created a huge capacity for the network. Furthermore, the variety of product this system can process is also extended when SEE places great emphasis on freshness and continuously change its product mix. SEE replaces about half of its 3,000 SKU each year. Goods are retired as soon as sales decline. With such high capacity clusters, it can be concluded that the degree of utilization is not maximized. Low degree of utilization reduces lead-time and minimizes disruption delay. Obviously, cost of the goods is higher with low utilization, however the benefits of the market dominance strategy seems to be able to offset the cost incurred. Therefore, it can be said that SEE has implemented decentralization not only in its location and distribution but also in its capacity. The high responsiveness of SEE is also reflected through a relatively small order size from the stores and high level of customer service. The small batch size is due to the limited space available in an SEE Store. That is also a reason for the introduction of the Sods. Everyday small orders from the stores are transmitted, consolidated and delivered in full truckloads from the CDC to every store. Deliveries are made many times a day, keeping the items rest and sufficient thus offering great service level. 2. 3 CONCLUSION Sees facilities are truly responsiveness driven. What SEE is doing with its facilities configuration are match with the strategic direction that a convenient store supply chain should take. SEE facilities have been decentralized in terms of both location and capacity to be closer to the customer and offers higher responsiveness. Small batch size and continuously changing product mixed integrated in the facilities are other factors that improve responsiveness. Sees facilities have been doing a great Job to be expensive and be next to customers wherever they need it. However, it is important to notice some risks associate with those practices. For example, the strategy of decentralization and market dominance may not be efficient. Especially when the market is not so populated like it is in Japanese cities. Moreover, locating the stores too close to each other may caused certain amount of centralization. Besides, customers in this case may not buy from one store consistently but change from store to store over time. That may contribute to the inaccuracy of demand forecasting of stores. Sees transportation has been successful. It has achieved a high level of responsiveness yet an acceptable level of efficiency. 3. 1 Design of transportation network Unlike a conventional Japanese Distribution system, SEE does not allow direct store delivery in Japan but executes a Joint Delivery Program in which its products must flow through the Distribution Centers (DC). As can be seen from Figure 1 (Appendix 1), after receiving orders from the store managers and starting production to fulfill the orders, the suppliers begin to deliver the products to the designated Dos. Manufacturers and wholesalers are assigned certain areas to deliver the products. After the items have reached Dos, they will be sorted out by stores and delivered in a full truck to the stores. Another important factor that helps reduce the lead-time and number of deliveries further is the temperature-based Joint delivery system. In this system, Sees products are grouped into 4 groups of different temperature. Products that are in the same temperature group will then be handled and distributed in the same truck. The above transportation process is usually managed by third party delivery companies. SEE keeps close communication with the delivery company. Distribution schedules are also planned carefully. The number of deliveries made in a day depends on the freshness requirement of the items. For example, rice balls are delivered 3 times a day. The timing of the deliveries are communicated with the logistic party and must be followed (with 10 minutes error). The Joint delivery program has brought to SEE many benefits. Firstly, with the density of the SEE stores, direct delivery may result in inefficiency. It requires many trucks going through many routes and different trucks from different suppliers have to arrive at the stores many times. By designating a destination to consolidate the incoming items, SEE can reduce he number of deliveries per day. Moreover, with the introduction of the temperature-based system, deliveries per day are further cut down to 11 per day. Before the implementation the 2 methods of operation, the average number of deliveries to each store was 70 per day. The number of trips decreases means transportation cost and communication cost are cut down; and the system is more efficient. Secondly, the limited space of the Sees stores requires deliveries in smaller batch size. Therefore, if SEE use direct store deliveries, the cost for transporting many small batches may increase sharply yet may not be reliable. Consolidating the orders for each store solves this problem effectively. SEE can have a reliable delivery schedule with minimal number of trips. Moreover, delivering in full truckloads also improves the efficiency of the system. Besides, ordering lead-time is also reduced by a great amount. For direct store delivery, since different trucks of different suppliers for different types of items have to arrive one by one at the same store, more time is spent on Just loading, unloading, checking and communicating between them and the stores. The risk for traffic delay will also be minimized if the number of trips to tortes decreases. An important feature of the Joint delivery program is that the Dos do not hold inventory. Dos in this case are Just designated points of pick and pack to consolidate the orders of Sees Stores. Therefore, the system helps SEE reduce cost of holding inventory significantly. 3. 2 Choice of transportation mode Apart Trot ten eagles AT transportation network, Tells can also conclave responsiveness in the choice of transportation mode. Using faster and usually more expensive modes of transport is a way to improve responsiveness. Another way to be more responsive is to diversify the modes of transportation. For example, SEE has included motorcycles, ships and helicopters to diversify its transportation portfolio. Diversification helps reduce the risk of breakdowns caused by disruption in certain mode of travel. The drawback is that extra cost may incur to maintain and operate the portfolio. 3. 3 Conclusion The implementation of Dos system has streamlined the transportation of SEE sharply. It has provided cost savings through elimination of inventory holding cost. Besides, and more importantly, it makes the distribution system of SEE more responsive and flexible by utilizing faster and cheaper routing and accelerated product flow. Generally, there are still risks associated with the strategy of micro-matching supply and demand using rapid replenishment like what SEE is doing. Firstly, rapid replenishment may be expensive, thus it can hurt firms profit margin. Secondly, risks can come from the uncertainty of the traffic condition. More importantly, for rapid replenishment and delivery on demand, one disruption event can even affect the whole area. Thirdly, the threat may as well come from competition. For example, if a store is located next to a large supermarket that is efficiency driven and can offer cheaper price, then the SEE stores may lose sales. Similarly, if SEE choose to sell products of which demand is too elastic, SEE may not be able to compete. Lastly, micro-matching demand and supply can be efficient and lean, but demand can sometimes fluctuate largely and SEE may fail to predict such changes. For examples, during festivals, social events, or natural disasters SEE may not be able to react quickly because of the fluctuations in demand and the limited stock kept in the stores. As for direct store delivery (ADDS), it can still hold true in some situations. For example, ADDS can be used in the areas that do not have many stores concentrated. Moreover, for items that are bulky, heavy or expensive, ADDS might be a good choice because extra handling activities (loading, unloading, security, quality assurance ) are costly. 4. INFORMATION Information is one the most effective tools of SEE to improve its responsiveness. It connects effectively the stages of the SEE supply chain and provides valuable insights on demand and strategic operations. 4. 1 Information System An illustration of Sees information system is shown in the Appendix 2. As can be seen from the Appendix 2, the hardware configuration of SEE includes several main components. Store Computer (SC) SC is the center of the store Information System (IS). It connects to the KIDS, Electric Order System, Graphic Order Terminal and Scanner Terminal. It can track store inventory, sales, orders and analyze POS data. Integrated Services Digital Network (KIDS) KIDS is an information network that links several thousand stores. KIDS provides a 2- way and high-speed channel of communication, which has significant impacts on the process of collection and analysis of POS data as well as feedback gathering. Scanner learn CSS streamline the process of inventory management by helping store managers check orders. Graphic Order Terminal (GOT) GOT is a tool to place orders and maintain access to a detailed analysis of POS data at the same time for ordering insights. 4. 2 Information Collection The above hardware setting has to collect all the POS data. Moreover, the staffs also collect gender and estimated age of the customers. After collected, POS data are analyzed to find out useful information such as hourly sales trend for individual items, scrap trend analysis, stockpot ranking, sales trends for new product and hourly sales trend by customer profile. Such complete information system helps create much more responsiveness for the stores. For example, the analysis of hourly sales trend by items and by customer profile can help a store manager determine which type of customer buy what at what time. With the information in mind, the store manager can order differently throughout the day, or can rearrange the products on the shelves many times a day. Moreover, the ordering process is also streamlined significantly. After collected, the POS data are analyzed by the store computer and ordering insights are offered. The orders are transmitted to the suppliers within 3 hours. . 3 Push versus Pull Clearly, Sees supply chain is more like a pull system. And Sees information system purports the pull strategy effectively. For example, ordering process is streamlined so that an order, after being analyzed from the POS data, can reach the suppliers in 3 hours on average. Information travels both upward and downward quickly enough for the pull strategy. 4. 4 Coordination and information sharing Information sharing is also an important strategy that SEE relies on to be more responsive. Data about life of products or hourly sales of the new products are used to determine the product mix of a store. SEE also actively shares information with the suppliers to suggest them on product development strategies. Many of Sees manufacturers now rely on the information shared and tend to work with SEE before the launch of a new product. Suggestions about the changing taste of the customers are sometimes crucial to new product development to anticipate the changing demand. 4. 5 Forecasting Because of the huge amount of data collected and the short ordering lead-time, Sees stores forecast frequently but over very short period. Therefore, the accuracy of the forecast is improved. 4. Enabling Technologies SEE invested heavily in its IS, the goal is to streamline the operations and obtain valuable insights to be more responsive. For example, with the use of Scanner Terminals, delivery time is now sharply shortened because delivery trucks do not have to wait for store managers to check the goods. 4. 7 Conclusion SEE is a good example of firm taking advantage of modern technology to streamline their processes and become more responsive. A pull strategy is most likely responsive; however, it must be supported with information technology so that the orders can be processed in a very short period. Frequently collected and analyzed information also allows a closer forecast horizon and thus more accurate. Firms can also De more responsive Dye snarling International Walt suppliers to anticipate Ana attics customer demand more effectively. However, there are risks involved in this strategy. Firstly, a pull system might not be able to deal with great fluctuation in demand for example, during social events, festivals or natural disaster. Secondly, usually the investment in IS is not low and without strong capital position and profitable prospect, firms may not benefits enough from this investment.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges Jorge Luis Borges nacià ³ el 24 de agosto de 1899 en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en casa de su abuelo Isidoro Acevedo. Borges aprendià ³ a hablar y a leer en ingles antes que aprendià ³ a leer en castellano con la ayuda de su abuela que tenia origen ingles. Cuando Borges tenà a apenas seis aà ±os le dijo a su padre que querà a ser un escritor. Siendo un nià ±o de solo siete aà ±os, à ©l escribià ³ un resumen de la mitologà a griega. A los ocho anos escribià ³ ,â⬠La Visera Fatal,â⬠que fue inspirado por un episodio del Quijote. Cuando tenia nueve aà ±os, el traduzco al ingles,â⬠El Prà ncipe Felizâ⬠de Oscar Wilde. Cuando tenia nueve anos, el traduzco ââ¬Å"El principe fleizâ⬠de Oscar Wilde. a los nueve traduce del inglà ©s "El prà ncipe feliz" de Oscar Wilde. En 1914, y debido a su ceguera casi total, el padre se jubila y decide pasar una temporada con la familia en Europa. Debido a la guerra, se instalan en Ginebra donde Georgie escribir algunos poemas en francà ©s mientras estudia el bachillerato (1914-1918). Su primera publicacià ³n registrada es una reseà ±a de tres libros espaà ±oles escrita en francà ©s para ser publicada en un perià ³dico ginebrino. Pronto empezar a publicar poemas y manifiestos en la prensa literaria de Espaà ±a, donde reside desde 1919 hasta 1921, aà ±o en que los Borges regresan a Buenos Aires. El joven poeta redescubre su ciudad natal, sobre todo los suburbios del Sur, poblados de compadritos. Empieza a escribir poemas sobre este descubrimiento, publicando su primer libro de poemas, Fervor de Buenos Aires (1923). Instalado definitivamente en su ciudad natal a partir de 1924, publicar algunas revistas literarias y con dos libros ms, Luna de enfrente e Inquisiciones, establecer ya en 1925 su reputacià ³n de jefe de la ms joven vanguardia. En los treinta aà ±os siguientes, Georgie se transforma en Borges; es decir: en uno de los ms brillantes y ms polà ©micos escritores de nuestra Amà ©r... Free Essays on Jorge Luis Borges Free Essays on Jorge Luis Borges Jorge Luis Borges Jorge Luis Borges nacià ³ el 24 de agosto de 1899 en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en casa de su abuelo Isidoro Acevedo. Borges aprendià ³ a hablar y a leer en ingles antes que aprendià ³ a leer en castellano con la ayuda de su abuela que tenia origen ingles. Cuando Borges tenà a apenas seis aà ±os le dijo a su padre que querà a ser un escritor. Siendo un nià ±o de solo siete aà ±os, à ©l escribià ³ un resumen de la mitologà a griega. A los ocho anos escribià ³ ,â⬠La Visera Fatal,â⬠que fue inspirado por un episodio del Quijote. Cuando tenia nueve aà ±os, el traduzco al ingles,â⬠El Prà ncipe Felizâ⬠de Oscar Wilde. Cuando tenia nueve anos, el traduzco ââ¬Å"El principe fleizâ⬠de Oscar Wilde. a los nueve traduce del inglà ©s "El prà ncipe feliz" de Oscar Wilde. En 1914, y debido a su ceguera casi total, el padre se jubila y decide pasar una temporada con la familia en Europa. Debido a la guerra, se instalan en Ginebra donde Georgie escribir algunos poemas en francà ©s mientras estudia el bachillerato (1914-1918). Su primera publicacià ³n registrada es una reseà ±a de tres libros espaà ±oles escrita en francà ©s para ser publicada en un perià ³dico ginebrino. Pronto empezar a publicar poemas y manifiestos en la prensa literaria de Espaà ±a, donde reside desde 1919 hasta 1921, aà ±o en que los Borges regresan a Buenos Aires. El joven poeta redescubre su ciudad natal, sobre todo los suburbios del Sur, poblados de compadritos. Empieza a escribir poemas sobre este descubrimiento, publicando su primer libro de poemas, Fervor de Buenos Aires (1923). Instalado definitivamente en su ciudad natal a partir de 1924, publicar algunas revistas literarias y con dos libros ms, Luna de enfrente e Inquisiciones, establecer ya en 1925 su reputacià ³n de jefe de la ms joven vanguardia. En los treinta aà ±os siguientes, Georgie se transforma en Borges; es decir: en uno de los ms brillantes y ms polà ©micos escritores de nuestra Amà ©r...
Friday, November 22, 2019
By Looking Closely At Language Content Style
By Looking Closely At Language, Content, Style Show How? Fat? Can Be Considered A Typical Carve Sto Essay, Research Paper ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? When replying this inquiry one must first see what a typical Raymond Carve narrative is. After reading several of his other short narratives you can see a pattern development. His minimalist manner creates a sense of withdrawal from the narrative and its characters, nevertheless at the same clip he is still able to take you through a scope of emotions. A typical Carver narrative surely involves conversational and easy to understand linguistic communication. However at the base and beneath this are really intricate and elaborate narrative lines that frequently hold implicit in concealed messages, these messages are the readers occupation to bring out. The simpleness of Raymond Carver # 8217 ; s characters makes them complex. Though this is an dry statement as sarcasm is portion of Raymond Carver? s authorship. The individualities of his characters are simple and ordinary, but the sarcasm of the narratives makes them unusual. Most of Carver # 8217 ; s characters are similar: alone personalities without the ability to show themselves, fighting with the troubles of the day-to-day life and traveling from occupation to occupation. There is a bound to what they can bear, and even an undistinguished event can oppress their lives. Their ordinary lives all of a sudden seam non so ordinary ; they become strange. The scenes are semi-industrial American towns that make the reader depressed and dying. The secret plans of his narratives are besides comparable: the action begins with ordinary lives, which somehow prostration into darkness, depression and terror. The universe portrayed by the writer is without faith, political relations, civilization or society. The reader is left with assorted feelings: desperation and gratefulness. Our lives may be bad, but compared to those described in his narratives they seem heavenly. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? If you compare? Fat? to this analogy so one can surely see similarities. Language wise, this narrative is simple with no complex metaphors etc, Carver does non necessitate these to make the image he wants. His simple authorship manner still can convey you through a scope of emotions. At the beginning of the narrative I found it humourous, ? This adult male is the fattest individual I have of all time seen. ? This description of the adult male can be interpreted as entertaining. However as the narrative develops, this facet of temper shortly alterations into a more serious affair as one begins to feel understanding for the adult male. The elaborate description of what he eats, how he chows an vitamin D people? s comments to his weight filled me with great compassion, ? He? s truly a fatty. ? The linguistic communication used by the characters to depict the adult male can be harsh and cruel reenforcing your understanding for him. In footings of manner the usage of the first individual narrative in this narrative allows Carver to step back and have less of an interpretative influence. A first individual narrative does non let Carver to hold such control over the characters. The gives a greater sense of pragmatism. Many of George washington carvers narratives are focused on one character depicting events. In? Fat? it is based around this adult females giving her perceptual experience of proceedings, ? I say and a feeling comes over me? The adult females does non depict what this feeling is merely that she has one. This adds a turn to the narrative as the adult females is non merely concerned by this mans weight but by something else. It is our occupation as the reader to dissect this. Besides at the beginning of the narrative it is a really laid back and relaxed manner, nevertheless as the narrative progresses your emotions start to come up and you are seeking to calculate out what is truly traveling on. This is Carver? manner being able to subletely toss the whole narrative over conveying up many surprises along the manner. As with many other of his short narratives, Carver will describe something so far and merely at the point where everything is about to be exposed he stops, go forthing the remainder to our imaginativeness. At the terminal of a Carver narrative you feel baffled as such a simple event can be turned around into something life altering for a character. If one looks at the general content of the narrative so you see several analogues emerging with his other narratives. ? Fat? starts off with an ordinary individual, with an ordinary occupation in a ordinary state of affairs. However Carver? s glare is how he converts these apparently dull state of affairss into a life altering experience for the character. If one looks at? Fat? so the stoping is a complete bewilderment for the reader, ? My life is traveling to alter. I feel it. ? In? Fat? there is no existent narrative line as with his other narratives, but its stoping exemplifies Carver? s minimalist manner, maintaining everything simple on the surface, but underneath you can see that something else is traveling on. In decision? Fat? has adult male similarities with a typical Carver narrative. With its minimalist manner and dull ordinary people populating their lives, nevertheless these lives can be changed dramatically by one individual or one event. As a consequence the lives can travel into depression or make the antonym and flourish.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Architecture in Japanese Gardens Research Paper
Architecture in Japanese Gardens - Research Paper Example Gardening has been an important cultural, intellectual, and spiritual pursuit in Japan for almost 1300 years in various ways and to various people. Japanese gardens also show the influence that the Chinese culture had on the Japanese, as well as how Japan took that culture and changed it in subtle ways to make it its own. The philosophical ideas of Zen Buddhism also played a large role in the development of these important cultural objects and practices. Chesshire splits the history of gardening into Japan into six broad periods, each of which takes its title from important Japanese cities at the time. The first of these is the Nara period of the 8th century, where gardens that were ââ¬Å"almost certainly used for ceremonial purposesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"were quite similar to those that were constructed in Chinaâ⬠were created in Nara, which was one of the ancient capitals of Japan. The idea of architecture is one that is unavoidably mixed with the history of Japanese Gardens. Regardless of what the effect of the garden is, there is no doubt that those who wish to create one will have to use not only plants and water, but also rocks, bridges, and even sometimes an entire building. Moreover, since the gardens can be built as a part of a house in and of itself, it can sometimes be even more important to have a good idea of basic architectural principles. In fact, it is arguably this sort of mixing of the manmade with the natural that is the defining idea of the Japanese garden.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Cultural differences in business life between Germany and USA Essay
Cultural differences in business life between Germany and USA - Essay Example In most situations, people do not realize how their own behavior is affected by culture. This is because of the closeness to it and the assumption that everyone is just like them. They expect others to do everything in a manner similar to their own. Communication refers to encoding and sending of a message with proper representation. Message can be verbal, written, non-verbal, and musical form. These various forms of representations have unspoken rules that can cause significant misinterpretations if not properly understood. An individual from a different culture with varied values and rules can cause danger to any encoding. This problem is intensified by the fact that a given message depends on the receiverââ¬â¢s perception and not what the presenter thought. Foster (1992) attest that in conducting daily operations in the business world, communication is considered an important factor. Therefore, when dealing with people of different culture in business, proper considerations should be put in place. These include proper understanding of diverse cultures and ability to handle the various challenges of language barriers. Hofstede (2001) said that most business deals do not mature because prior to interaction, one or both of the parties was not committed to learn cultures of the different individuals involved. To be successful in business life, every individual has to consider the following: proper understanding of different ways in which behavior and business impacts culture. Secondly, major cultural dimensions should be properly understood. Thirdly, individuals should be keen on their own culture and raise awareness about it. Fourthly, and individual should clearly know the different scenarios where their own culture preference can conflic t with that of other people. Fifth, key skills and competencies that boost international success should be identified. Finally, every individual should be sensitive of existing traps and ways to overcome them. 2.0 Cultural diversity In the 21st century, cultural diversity is common in most of the management topics. For proper management, effective communication needs to be in place (Hall, 1959). This requires proper understanding of different cultures of individuals involved. All forms of communication are directly impacted by culture. According to Hall and Hall (1990), individuals view their culture as normal. When they come across people from other different cultures, they are amazed by the unique behaviors. In order to have a clear understanding of diverse perspectives, it is important to have cross-cultural awareness (Hall, 1976; Harris and Robert, 2000). This way, an individual will be able to develop respect for other varied cultures hence suspension of judgment. This knowledg e will boost different business interaction in different situations and localities. It is also important for individuals to know that one approach will not be effective in all given circumstances. 3.0 Comparison of the cultural differences among the Americans and the Germans In business conversation, Hendon et al (1999) and Mattock (2003) revealed that Germans are known to emphasize on content and understates emotions and personal relationships. They respect honesty and openness and prefer using various examples. The fact that Germans give more details results from the detailed explanations
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Christian Iconography Essay Example for Free
Christian Iconography Essay 1. Compare and Contrast: Hosios Loukas, Greece (before 1048) v. San Marco, Venice, Italy (building consecrated 1073; mosaics 12th c.) and the Cappella Palatina, Palermo, Sicily (1142/3) Typical Byzantine churches, like all architectural forms, employ relatively standard layouts and similar mosaic programs. Hosios Loukas, preceding both San Marco and Cappella Palatina, is an example of adherence to Byzantine conventions of visual programs and spatial planning. However, the churches of San Marco and Cappella Palatina are departures from such convention. Experiencing greater influence from the West, the churches of San Marco and Cappella Palatina, in their architectural forms and decoration, at once show their Byzantine roots and strides toward westernization. Hosios Loukas, though appearing irregular in its floor plan, is actually two adjoining churches. Built on the space that marks the site of Saint Lucasââ¬â¢ death, the church is an excellent example of Byzantine planning and decoration. With a large central dome, the church can be divided into three main parts: the sanctuary, which is east of the dome; the naos, which is the central portion; and the narthex, or entry porch. Possessing a cross-like plan, the church is for the most part centrally planned. In the narthex, the typical mosaics of the Pantokrator, the Crucifixion and the Anastasis are employed. The apse mosaic, which is at the far end of the sanctuary, depicts the image of Theotokos sitting on a throne with the Christ Child; above the alter and the apse mosaic rests the mosaic of the Pentecost in the domical vault. In the central dome, which houses the Pantokrator, the circle converts to the square through an octagonal form, a feature shared by Cappella Palatina. The squinches created by the octagon depict scenes from Christââ¬â¢s life. Furthermore, the likenesses of saints decorate the church. Most importantly however, the decoration of the church contains little extraneous detail. San Marco, however, exists as a transition from the traditional Byzantine format to more westernized looks. Still displaying a cruciform floor plan, the basilical form is integrated into the church. The four lateral domes and one central dome imply this focus on symmetry and centrality, while still allowing for the western influence. The naos is elongated, to create greater linearity and the cross arm of the cross-square is actually a transept. Though exhibiting much of the same scenes, those of San Marco have a particularly greater focus on narrative. One can observe such effects in the Anastasis scenes of both churches. In the Anastasis of Hosios Loukas, only five figures appear: Christ, David, Solomon and Adam and Eve; the five figures possess enough detail to identify them and the scene. In the San Marco example, eleven figures are present. The crowded quality enhances the narrative, allowing them to be read as more of a story and less as a symbolic image representing an event. Similarly, the crucifixion scene of Hosios Loukas and San Marco are respectively simplified and elaborate. Cappella Palatina, built by Roger II a Norman, focuses even greater narrative. The church also further employs the basilical form, while displaying forms from all the cultures that influenced it. Baring less architectural resemblance to the Byzantine church, Cappella Palatinaââ¬â¢s mosaics, though depicting much of the same scenes as Hosios Loukas and San Marco, are composed in a rather haphazard way. For example, the nativity, which is usually streamlined to the most integral parts, shows multiple scenes in the same mosaic. In fact, some figures, such as the magi, appear more than once. This technique, allows the viewer to trace out the story of the birth of Christ. The eastern apse looks like a traditional Byzantine church, with a Pantokrator and seated Virgin. However to the west, the basilical nave shows the Western Christian influence. Its use of Old Testament imagery references Western precedentsââ¬âfrom Genesis to Jacob wrestling the angel. Similarly, while the walls depict the same scenes as Byzantine churches, their format is different. Its use of registers is unseen in Byzantine counterparts. Also, the multiple Pantokrators that appear in the church, while a Byzantine form, are used in a uniquely un-Byzantine way. Lastly, the church ceiling, which is decorated with muqarnas, shows the Islamic influence. The basilical influence in San Marco and Cappella Palatina is unmistakable. Much of the imagery and its hierarchical placementââ¬âwith the holiest at the top and most earthly at the bottomââ¬âis drawn from Byzantine churches. However, the use of Old Testament scenes and the greater focus on narrative are symptoms of the western influence. San Marco and Cappella Palatina are consequences of the time and place. They are at once Churches of the West and parts of an imperial history and religious tradition from the East. As a result, their appearance reflects the Byzantine influence, in its similarities to Hosios Loukas, and their Ravennic and Roman precedents. 2. Compare and Contrast: Pilgrim eulogia ampulla, Crucifixion and Women at the Tomb, pewter, 6th-7th c. v. The Limburg Staurotheca, 968-985 Though created centuries apart and strikingly different in size and style, the pilgrim eulogia ampulla and the Limburg Staurotheca are similar in many ways. Both are vessels of holy materials and depict Christ and various religious figures. However the ampula represents the more egalitarian form of relic collecting. The Limburg Staurotheca, on the other hand, in its materials and relics is one of the most elite forms of collectorship. Both the Pilgrimage ampulla and the Limburg Staurotheca are composed out of metals. The ampula is made out of pewter, a metal that was readily available at the time and not costly. The Limburg Staurotheca, on the other hand, is made out of gold gilt medal, enamels and gems. The difference in materials is indicative of their intended patrons. The ampulla, which predates the Staurotheca, was created for pilgrims that visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The latter, however, was commissioned by an imperial official and was intended to be viewed by elites. Additionally, both possess the ability to be hung. While the ampulla often hung around the neck of a pilgrim, the Staurotheca, which has a hoop at the top, could have been hung in a devotional space or carried during processions. The functionââ¬âto hold holy objectsââ¬âalso differs due to its intended viewers. Ampullae such as this were often used to hold holy liquids or soil. However, due to the inscription and its iconographic reference to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the True Cross, this pilgrimage ampulla was used to hold the oil from the True Cross. Therefore, in a sense, both of these vessels hold parts of the same relic. However, the portability and reproducibility of the oil, made it better equipped for pilgrim patrons. The Staurotheca, contrastingly, holds seven splinters of the true cross. Arranged in such a way to show the historical form of the true cross, the slivers are held in place by jewels and gold framing. Additionally, the Staurotheca also was a reliquary for various other relics, such as Christââ¬â¢s purple robe, the hair of John the Baptist, etc. Housed behind the ten different panels with inscriptions describing that which is behind them, the Staurotheca is an interactive reliquary. The viewer is able to open the panels and see the relics. The iconography of the vessels also differs. The ampulla depicts two scenes. The first is the Adoration of Cross. The meaning of the iconography is twofold. It looks like the scene of the Crucifixion, with the other two crucified flanking Christ and with worshipers in attendance. However, the more pertinent interpretation of the imagery, as it relates more directly to the vessel, is the pilgrims visiting and worshiping the True Cross. On the back of the ampulla, the Women at the Tomb is depicted. It also has two significances; it can be read as the Maryââ¬â¢s visiting the tomb of Christ and pilgrim women visiting the tomb of Christ erected within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The iconography, therefore, draws parallels between the events of Christââ¬â¢s life and the activities of pilgrims. The Staurotheca, on the other hand, is rich in detail yet does not contain any narrative. On the front of the reliquary is Christ enthroned, with Theotokos, John the Baptist and arch angels flanking him. Above and below are three pairs each of the apostles. Surrounding the nine conjoined panels, are portrait busts of saints. Upon opening the lid, the viewer is confronted with the slivers of the True Cross described above. Depictions of angels adorn the interior as well, and flank the inscribed panels behind which rest other important relics. Rather than expressly depict the relics that were encased, the reliquary simply depicted the True Cross and the portraits of angel, all of which were considered to be the image of God himself. Therefore, the ampulla and the Staurotheca differ in their iconography, their function and their materials. All results of the intended viewers and collectors, both the ampulla and Staurotheca represent the Byzantine desire to obtain primary and secondary relics. Representing the power of Christ and God, these vesselsââ¬â¢ contents gave their owners assurance of success and salvation. 3. Essay Question Related Directly to Readings: The issue of images in Byzantine art The lineage and use of images in Byzantine art is perhaps on of the more interesting and complicated aspects of Christian iconography. The Christian imagery in Byzantine art, as noted in Heaven on Earth, became intertwined with imperial icons and ceremony. The course of Iconoclasm, however, remains the most controversial historical discourse about Christian images and their appropriate role. The Iconoclasts believed that images were inappropriate in worship and were similar to the worship of idols, which breaks one of the commandments. Iconophiles, on the other hand, venerated images and opposed the Iconoclasts in the destruction of images. Given the volatile opposition of the two, understanding the Christian image in Byzantine art allows one to understand their forms of worship and relation to the holy. Firstly, it should be noted imperial and religious tradition often created a relationship between Christ and the Emperor. Occurring fairly early in the history of Byzantium, the Emperor Justinian was likened to Christ in the apse mosaic in S. Vitale. Adorned with a halo, Justinian stands in the center among twelve soldiers and religious officials. Although, as Treadgold et al. noted in Procopius and the Imperial Panels of S. Vitale, though the artist had not intended on creating the twelve apostles symbolism, as the feet show that some of the heads were added as an after thought, the resulting effect is the same for the contemporaneous viewer. The emperor, the most powerful and godly of men, is likened to Christ. Such an occurrence, while prevalent throughout cultures and history, undoubtedly watered down the holy significance of Christ images in the realm of worship. However, as noted above, the Iconoclast controversy, which lasted from 726 to 843 AD, is most illustrative of the Byzantine treatment of images. Affecting artistic production during the controversy and in its wake, the debate centered on t he appropriateness of images in the Christian context. Iconoclasts, or ââ¬Å"image breakers,â⬠believed that their fellow Christians had become idolaters. Images, perhaps believed to be a source of power by laymen, the Iconoclasts contended, must be restrained. Militaristic failures reaffirmed Iconoclastic believes that they had sinned and incurred the wrath of God. In the Church of Saint Sophia, for example, depictions of saints were replaced by the cross. Similarly, St. Irene sports a cross instead of a human likeness. (The example of the Church of the Dormition in Nicaea seems to show that the Virgin and Child mosaic replaced the Cross, post-Iconoclasm.) Therefore, the Iconoclasts effectively replaced images with the Cross. Contrastingly, the Iconophiles, or ââ¬Å"image lovers,â⬠argued for the preservation and continuation of images, given their long history. As discussed in the Abgar of Edessa identification, the likeness of Christ was venerated in biblical times. Being an ancient tradition, that Christ himself allowed/encouraged, images should be respected. Furthermore, as mentioned in Mango, the Iconophiles argued that God created man in his likeness, and specifically incarnated himself in the human form of Christ, and therefore allows for representation in the human form. Though they were temporarily victorious between bouts of Iconoclasm, the Iconophiles were ultimately successful in securing the role of images in Christianity. After the ideological defeat of the Iconoclasts, the Iconophiles restored much of the Christian imagery that had been washed away. St. Sophia, having had images removed by the iconoclasts, exists as a testament to the great controversy. The St. Sophia apse mosaic is an excellent example of post-iconoclast image restoration. A mosaic of Theotokos and Child was erected with an inscription condemning the Iconoclasts; the inscription is known to refer to them as imposters. Similarly, written and illustrated texts, such as the Khludov Psalter, describe the heresy of the Iconoclasts. It likens them to the Jews. As the Jews killed Christ, the Iconoclasts washed away and killed his image. Furthermore, much of the margin illustrations depict figures holding a medallion image of Christ, as a testament to the devotion to images. The Iconophiles believed that icons and images of the holy and saintly sanctified churches and practiced such post-iconoclasm. Post-iconoclasm, much of the ravages were rectified and restored. Beautifully decorous images adorned churches and texts in the wake of the controversy. The Psalter of Paris, for example, rather naturalistically depicts David composing the Psalms. Personifying the location and muses, the image gives the layman the opportunity to pictographically read the origin of the Psalms. Ultimately, the images not only teach through visuals, but inspire awe. The illuminating mosaics of churches produced miraculous, luminary effects that created a greater sense of the sacred. Consequently, the use of images in Byzantine art is an issue of great complexity. Once deriving influence from the iconography of pagan religions, the Iconoclasm controversy returned to the Christian-pagan associations. The Iconoclasts believed that the worship of images was like that of idols by the pagans. In an attempt to remain in the right with God, they sought to rid Christianity of its idolatrous icons. Though, in accordance with sanctity, egalitarianism and tradition the debate was won by the image lovers, restoring the place of Christian icons.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Great Depression in America Essay -- essays research papers
There were many primary causes for The Great Depression, Unequal distribution of money to the economy, and the stock market speculation, and much more which all played a major factor for The Great Depression. The Great Depression impacted everyone, it impacted different people of all kinds of backgrounds. It was a low time for Americans in the 1920's, and for other countries also. One of the causes were Uneven Prosperity, 0.1% of families made 100,000$ a year, and 80% had zero savings. 200 companies controlled 49% of all U.S industry which caused uneven prosperity. Although the economy was booming in the 1920's most purchasing was done by credit. U.S wealth was not spread evenly and the economy was unstable. The U.S. economy was booming in the 1920ââ¬â¢s and Uneven prosperity made recovery difficult. People were buying thousands of shares of stock for as little as 10% down. Then people lost ten times as much as they put in.For the economy to function properly, total demand must equal total supply. In the 1920's there was an oversupply of goods. 60 percent of cars and 80 percent of radios were bought on credit. The U.S. economy was also reliant upon luxury spending and investment from the rich to stay afloat during the 1920's. The significant problem with this reliance was that luxury spending and investment were based on the wealth's confidence in the U.S. economy. imbalance of wealth lead to large market crashes. Black Tuesday, 1929. People saw stocks were actually falling. People hurried to get out of stocks and minimize their losses. As this happened, more people did the same which exacerbated the situations. On Black Tuesday, a record16.4 million shareds were sold. This led to bank failures. Many people lost as much as ten times their initial investment in the crash of Black Tuesday Speculation in the 1920s caused many people to by stocks with loaned money and they used these stocks as collateral for buying more stocks. The stock market boom was very unsteady, because it was mostly borrowed money and false optimism. When investors lost confidence, the stock market collapsed, taking them along with it.People loss confidence and since they were developing mistrust of the economic situation, many wanted there money out of banks and buried in their yards. The same thing that happened to the stock market. Banks ran out of cash an... ...his programs aimed at stimulating business recovery were 'too late.' His hesitation to initiate government action gave the economy time to spiral further downward and for his relations with the leaders of big business to sour. The RFC, Hoover's only major attempt to aid the recovery of business and finance, pumped much needed capital into the economy, but it was little more than a bread line for business, according to its critics. The RFC simply gave handouts to businesses, rather than taking a role in shaping the ways in which those funds were used. Hoover eschewed direct governmental intervention under the principle of small government and free market economics. The experience of American citizens during Hoover's term left them desiring something new from the government. The nation demanded intelligent and effective governmental intervention to revive the flailing economy. They demanded a president who would be a hero and representative of his people rather than an aloof, uncompassionate bureaucrat--a departure from the do-nothing presidents of the 1920s. Franklin Roosevelt, elected in 1932, strove to answer this call during the remaining years of the depression.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Personal training
Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don't wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting.Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises.These vary , depending on his or her client's level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals.This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client's fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your bod y need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off.But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don't do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition.The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Train ers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts.That's usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States).During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesio logy as his profession. ââ¬Å"It was simpleâ⬠Priestley replied. ââ¬Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,â⬠Priestley explained. ââ¬Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing.I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. â⬠Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. ââ¬Å"l wasn't Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,â⬠Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, an d later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It's a cool feeling, I couldn't be happier with what I'm doingâ⬠Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that ââ¬Å"as long as you're doing omething you love, it doesn't really matter what you do to get there.But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. â⬠Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying ââ¬Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit.In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. â⬠Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master's degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree get s me more business which is awesome! â⬠Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I learned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice. Personal training Personal Training I have a passion for action sports, physical fitness and wellbeing. There is no better feeling in the world than being healthy. Along with being healthy, comes physical fitness and athleticism. But accomplishing these goals is no easy task. Athletes don't wake up every day physically in top shape and able to perform their best athletically without hours on top of hours of hard work and proper dieting.Not many athletes know the ins and outs of proper training and dieting, which is why hey refer to a personal trainer for the tips and advice they need to succeed. A major in Kinesiology is an excellent way to gain the proper knowledge to help athletes get to where they need to be. As a personal trainer, you have many duties related to your Job. Trainers are responsible for providing various personal training services that help members maximize their workout efficiency. And to also improve physical fitness and wellbeing. Personal trainers demonstrate exercises.These vary , depending on his or her client's level of fitness capability, age and weight. These demonstrated exercises ould be as simple as a squat or as advanced as a power clean. It is important as a trainer to get to know your client. Such as their level of fitness, what theyre physically capable of performing. Personal trainer need to be able to determine what exercises can benefit their client or potentially harm them (California). Trainers are also responsible for creating a healthy diet plan for their client to follow, in order to help accomplish their fitness or health goals.This part of personal training is the most difficult. Diet plans can be very difficult for the average person to follow and keep track of. Just like the physical part of personal training, a diet plan very depending on client's fitness goals, age and weight. For example, if a middle aged man is looking to lose a significant amount of weight, he would need to do a few things. First, in order to lose weight your bod y need to burn carbohydrates that have been consumed in the past twenty-four hours. Once your body has depleted all unused carbohydrates, it can now access your bodys stored fat source and start to burn it off.But in order to burn carbohydrates in the first place, he must engage in high intense exercises, which min in their late thirties usually don't do. So what needs to happen is he must alter his diet to eat six times a day. The content of his diet would be low carbs and proteins. The reason for him to eat six times a day is to keep his metabolism running so he can burn fat during his daily routine. Along with a diet, comes exercise with his personal trainer. His workouts would consist of very low weight, with a high number of repetition.The reason for low weight workouts is because he would be low on carbs which would highly effect his strength. The high amount of reps will cause his muscles to fire quicker, causing him to burn carbohydrates then start burning stored tat ( Train ers can work in many different places. For example, if a trainer has a group workout in urban areas, he could meet his clients at a local park or running trail. The most common place would be the gym, where a personal trainer can train one or more individuals. Trainers even go to clients homes for personal workouts.That's usually the case for elderly people who would have a hard time leaving their home. Qualified trainers travel to hospitals to train rehabilitated patients who may have been injured in an accident and is in need to re-train their muscles (United). To become a trainer is not very difficult. A degree is not needed, but would be very beneficial. My personal trainer, Brodie Priestley recommended a degree in kinesiology and nutrition. Also having a background in sports and powerlifting benefit me. Even though a degree in not required, sources indicate it would do nothing but help (United States).During my interview I asked my trainer Priestley what made him choose kinesio logy as his profession. ââ¬Å"It was simpleâ⬠Priestley replied. ââ¬Å"My father was a world class power lifter, benching over five-hundred pounds as a senior in high school. So like every kid, I wanted to be Just like my father. I fell in love with lifting weights and lay sports. The more I lifted weights, the more results I saw and I began to feel better about myself,â⬠Priestley explained. ââ¬Å"l quickly got addicted to lifting weights and wanted to keep progressing.I began to educate myself more on lifting weights and ways to get bigger and stronger. My obsession with lifting weights and muscles development got to the point where I stopped playing sports to focus on powerlifting. â⬠Priestleys hard work was paying off as he took first place in numerous powerlifting events. ââ¬Å"l wasn't Just winning, I was blowing my competition out of the water,â⬠Priestley explained. Priestley worked his way up to become the number three power lifter in the nation, an d later broke the world record in bench press for his weight class. It was obvious that I was good at what I did, so I wanted to help others accomplish their physical fitness goals. So I began Personal training at a local gym. I quickly fell in love with helping others and seeing them progress. It's a cool feeling, I couldn't be happier with what I'm doingâ⬠Priestley explained to me. I asked Priestley what he though was the toughest part about being a personal trainer. Priestleys response was simple, he told me that ââ¬Å"as long as you're doing omething you love, it doesn't really matter what you do to get there.But I guess the hardest part of being a personal trainer would be getting some clients to trust you and to buy into your system. â⬠Priestley continued on saying that some people who may have been out of shape most of their life have a hard time believing that they can lose weight and get in shape by following my weight loss program, which makes it difficult to train that individual. Next I asked Priestley what he liked most about his Job. Priestley responded by saying ââ¬Å"The best part of my Job is seeing true results in my clients. There is no better feeling as a trainer knowing that you helped someone get healthy and physically fit.In most cases that is a life changing event for people who used to be highly over weight and unhealthy. That person can now walk around proud of their appearance and have all the confidence in the world, all because of my help. To me there is no better teeling. â⬠Even though I learned that an education is not need to become a trainer, I asked Priestley what steps he took in school to get where he is today. Priestley told me that getting his master's degree in kinesiology, and minor degree in nutrition was the martest thing he has ever done. My degree helped me in every way possible, I now have an edge on a lot of trainers that might not have a degree. But not only am I more educated but my degree get s me more business which is awesome! â⬠Researching my career choice has reassured me that becoming a personal trainer is who I am going to become. My trainer has had the biggest impact on my decision. He has helped me so much and IVe also seen him help many others. I learned that what you get out of training someone is the ultimate prize. In conclusion kinesiology is what I have chosen as my career choice.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
An Elephant Vanishes Essay
Explain the role of the kitchen in ââ¬Å"Like Water For Chocolateâ⬠by Laura Esquivel and ââ¬Å"The Elephant Vanishesâ⬠by Murakami. In Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, food and the kitchen is a means of expressing a range of human emotions. Like Water for Chocolate opens with its most important central setting, the kitchen. Onion-induced weeping quite literally sweeps the protagonist, Tita, into the world, as she is born in the kitchen, crying, amidst of flood of her motherââ¬â¢s tears. Her mother, Mama Elena, is unable to produce milk (due to shock at the recent death of her husband) and Mama Elena gives Tita almost immediately to the house cook, Nacha, who rears the child in the kitchen. Surrounded by the colours, smells, and routines of Nachaââ¬â¢s kitchen, Tita grows up understanding the world in terms of food. She enjoys her isolation in the domain of the kitchen. ââ¬Å"Thanks to her unusual birth, Tita felt a deep love for the kitchen where she spent most of her life from the day she was bornâ⬠page 10, paragraph two. The story of Titaââ¬â¢s entry into the world marks the first fantastical image of Like Water for Chocolate, initiating the reader into the novelââ¬â¢s magical realism and illustrating the intensity and improbability that characterise the events of the story. The image of Tita flowing into the world in a flood of tears prefigures the sadness and longing that will pervade her life. After Titaââ¬â¢s birth, the flood of tears dries to leave ten pounds of salt to be collected and used for cooking. The practical attitude with which the characters greet this surreal happening helps to establish the supernatural as an accepted part of the charactersââ¬â¢ lives. ââ¬Å"Nacha swept aside the residue the tears had left on the red stone floor, There was enough salt to fill a ten-pound-sack- it was used for cooking and lasted a long timeâ⬠page 10, paragraph two. Outside the kitchen, Tita follows the demanding regime that Mama Elena sets for her daughters. Life is full of cooking, cleaning, sewing, and prayer. This routine is interrupted one day by Titaââ¬â¢s timid announcement that a suitor, Pedro Muzquiz, would like to pay her a visit. Mama Elena greets this announcement with indignation, invoking the De La Garza family tradition that the youngest daughter is to remain unmarried so that she can care for the matriarch in the matriarchââ¬â¢s old age. Tita is dismayed by this rigid tradition. Outwardly, she submits to Mama Elenaââ¬â¢s wishes, but privately she questions the family tradition and maintains her feelings for Pedro. ââ¬Å" you donââ¬â¢t have an opinion Tita and thats all I want to hear about it. For generations, not a single in my family has ever questioned this tradition and no daughter of mine is going to be the one to startâ⬠page 15, paragraph 3 This cold hearted appraoch to Titas yearning for marriage is what makes Tita retreat into the safe realm of the ktichen, I think the reason why magic realism was applied to food is because of how universal it is. Whereas music and art only apply to some of us, food is in all of our lives. Since magic realism is all about mixing the magic with whatââ¬â¢s real, food is the ideal choice. Weââ¬â¢ve all heard of metaphors exaggerating the taste of food, but Laura Esquivelââ¬â¢s descriptions of the effects of food are much more elaborate. Itââ¬â¢s so descriptive that sometimes we doubt our ideals of whatââ¬â¢s real by reading the effects of the recipes. By using food as the medium the author was able to smoothly meld together the magical and real aspects of each chapter. Her isolated childhood in the kitchen gives Tita an outlook on life different from that of her sisters, Gertrudis and Rosaura, and she comes to develop different ideals for herself as she matures. As a young woman, Tita rebels against the family tradition that confines her to a life without love. Her insistent questioning (even though she does not petition Mama Elena directly) of her lot in life can be identified as one of the feminist impulses in the novel. This refusal to accept an assigned and undesirable social role marks the beginning of Titaââ¬â¢s path to self-assertion and freedom. Her love for the kitchen and cooking is a rebelious action against her mother, her realm of the kitchen is the only thing that her mother can not control or do, the kitchen is what keeps her sane from the depressing sitution on the other side of the door. it wasnââ¬â¢t easy for a person whose knowledge of life was based on the kitchen to comprehend the outside world. That world was an endless expanse that began atthe door between the kitchen and the rest of the house, whereas everything on the kitchen side of that door, on through the door leading to the patio and the kitchen and herb gardens was completely hers-it was Titaââ¬â¢s realm. â⬠This quotes proves my point above, the kitchen door acts as a safe guard to the oppressive realm of her motherââ¬â¢s. In an Elephant vanishes one of the major themes of the story is the idea of things being out of balance. This theme is introduced when the narrator tells the editor about the importance of unity in kitchen design, as he states, ââ¬Å"Even the most beautifully designed item dies if it is out of balance with its surroundings. â⬠The narrator later emphasizes the importance of balance between a creature and its environment when he talks about witnessing the change in the elephantââ¬â¢s size in relation to the keeperââ¬â¢s size. He states that the balance in size between the two has become more equal, because the elephant has shrunk or the keeper has gotten bigger, or both. Following the disappearance of the elephant and the keeper, the narrator again expresses the idea that ââ¬Å"things around me have lost their proper balance. â⬠He is no longer able to take action on his own behalf, as he is haunted by this sense that the urban world is out of balance, and he feels that a kind of natural balance has broken down inside him. The imbalance between Titaââ¬â¢s kitchen and outside the kitchen can relate to the elephant vanishes. Tita fells safe in the kitchen and at peace with the ââ¬Å"oldâ⬠kitchen keeps her in balance. Related to the theme of imbalance is the difference between appearances and reality. The narrator points out that the article covering the story of the elephantââ¬â¢s disappearance is strange, because the reporter tries so hard to maintain that the elephant escaped, when the facts indicate that the elephant had to have almost magically vanished. The characters in the story try to maintain an appearance of normality in the face of an event that defies logic, leading to pointless acts that do not address the nature of the situation. The discrepancy between reality and appearances also arises in the narratorââ¬â¢s job as he basically just goes through the motions, trying to maintain a professional, pragmatic approach although he does not personally believe that a kitchen has to have unity or any of the other maxims his company invokes to sell its products. The narrator finds that he cannot reconcile the differences between appearances and reality, and as he questions his own perceptions, he experiences a sense of disorientation and confusion. Throughout the story, Murakami subtly reveals how the vanishing of the old ways leaves people feeling disoriented and how the new ways of being create a sense of disconnection and unease. This can be said about Mama in ââ¬Å" Like water for chocolateâ⬠as she is does not like the idea of Tita marrying . She is scared of modern society perhaps, and is insecure about her future. Mamas death The narrator, for example, performs his job as a public relations executive successfully by espousing the commercial viewpoint that ââ¬Å"things you canââ¬â¢t sell donââ¬â¢t count for much. Because in truth he does not necessarily believe this statement, saying it and operating from this pragmatic mode seem to confound the narrator, confusing him about his purpose in life. Like other Murakami characters, he is also a loner, a single person, living alone with no apparent ties to family or friends also this can be said to Mama Elena, she has distanced herself from her loved ones through t he death of her grand child and of the cruelty committed to Tita . The narrator watches the elephant and the keeper and marvels at their closeness, their special bond. In the wake of the elephantââ¬â¢s disappearance, the narrator feels despondent, more isolated and alone than ever. As is Tita at the end of the novel after Pedro dies. ââ¬Å" Now it would never again be possible to see that light, because she could no longer feel anything. She would but wander through the shadows for eternity, alone, all alone. ââ¬
Thursday, November 7, 2019
klha essays
klha essays Software Giant to Outline Case for Consumer The European Commission has recently sued Microsoft for a number of so called anti-trust violations. Microsoft has now delivered an argument against the accusations explaining and defending their actions, as well as sighting their problems with the fact that the Commission seems to be making law simply to restrict Microsofts privileges. Microsoft argues that these accusations and proposed restrictions are more to help rival companies than to restrain its assumed monopoly. One major argument is that Microsoft ties in its Media Player to the typical Windows operating system. The Commission contends that Microsoft is preventing consumers from choosing their own media player. Microsoft explains that people do not want Windows without the Windows Media Player and that there is no evidence that alleged tie has restricted consumer choice. Yet, the Commission maintains that if the Media Player becomes dominant, any company that intends to sell content in audio or video form will have to ma ke sure it is in WMP format. Microsoft will essentially be able to charge a toll for each transaction. The trial, which will take place in European Courts, could take anywhere from a few months to five or six years. Microsoft Corporation may not officially be a pure monopoly, but it certainly has many of the characteristics. For one, the Windows operating system has become a standardized product, preventing any competition from entering the market. Factors such as this one in a market are known as barriers to entry and are a clear sign of a monopoly. Also, Microsoft is a price maker, which means that they can somewhat control the price of a specific product, in this case an operating system (Windows, etc), by changing its market supply. Essentially the only way for Microsoft to increase their sales of Windows OS is to lower the price. This shows that marginal revenue ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
History and Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History and Art - Essay Example With other major concerns such as economic crisis, war between nations, and population growth, who would pay immediate notice to the fact that behind the aesthetic beauty of an art piece, a battle is being fought against sexism and racism for the sake of the underrepresented artists? While it may be too delicate an issue to dwell on surface as to draw public attention on a larger scale, strong advocates of gender and racial equality like the Guerrilla Girls, as they call themselves, apparently, could not but admit silence is shame and argue: ââ¬Å"You donââ¬â¢t have to have a penis to be a geniusâ⬠(Guerrilla Girls 202). Most of us may claim to possess different perspectives on the matter and plainly express that besides the problematic social and cultural structure which basically governs the manner by which inequality prevails among sexes and races, there are other deeper troubles that deserve a more adequate focus. However, our attitude of ignoring the issue that merely a bout ten percent of museums or galleries consist of art exhibitions by women and artists of color can be held accountable for the existence of all other chief worries that fail to be attended to in proper terms due to insights and ways of living that maintain their racist and patriarchal nature. As long as there lives lack of empowerment for women and non-whites, it is self-evident that equilibrium and harmony would not settle right where they ought to be unless a balance is struck somewhere for a significant realization that in professing to improve a nation, both sexes regardless of race must come in front to execute equal control of change and progress. Upon thorough examination of the article, I suppose this is the ultimate goal that sustains the principal reason of the Guerrilla Girls for continuing to be ââ¬Å"the conscience of the art world (203).â⬠I admire the Guerrilla Girls for their feminist and anti-racist stance since the 80s especially because despite the gorill a masks they wear for anonymity and the rather annoying taunting style of protest for the main cause, they demonstrate an unconventional approach of hurling insults at prominent sexist and racist figures alike. Having waved their banner with jest-filled pronouncements of deviation from what they perceive as sickening norms of injustice within race and gender, such female organization serves as a degree of innovation to radical feminist groups whose overly serious actions on meeting similar ends cost lives and immunity to the point of dormancy. This is widely evident via the controversial works which earned them huge critique via statements and efforts as ââ¬Å"When Racism & Sexism Are No Longer Fashionable, What Will Your Art Collection Be Worth?â⬠and the gradual transformation of the Whitney Museum Biennials which used to practise racial and sexual exclusion (204). By injecting a concept of provocative humor into ideals, the Guerrilla Girls manage to have weaved an object of interest to which art supporters become naturally drawn. Among the recent fruits of their endeavor I believe was Anya Kivarkis, the recipient of the Sienna Gallery Emerging Artist Award in 2007 for creations like ââ¬ËBlind Spotââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËNeo-Palatial: Objects of Virtue and Viceââ¬â¢, and ââ¬ËExtreme Beautyââ¬â¢. I feel that her projects reflect how the political struggle of the Guerrilla Girls has truly paid off for though female, her expertise in the field of
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Analytical summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Analytical summary - Essay Example The article goes ahead to determine various aspects such as Australian identity, the relation between the different political systems in the country, the economy, and immigration, all in the form of debates. It addresses various perspectives include the future prospects of Asia through an engagement with Australia, while at the same time fearing that indeed there is a possibility that Australia would be left behind in a similar perspective. In making a justification of these perspectives, the authors refer to the views of different individuals including Kevin Rudd, Gough Whitlam, and the Australian Labor Prime Minister. China and Australia have indeed been great friends for long periods, even though to many, it seems as if the they have just become new friends, considering that Australia currently hosts a significant number of Chinese. The article goes ahead to address the various political situations that have c hanged over the past, with Asia and particularly China making a significant contribution in the political imagery. This puts Australia in a controversial position of manipulations by both its central geographical location as well as the ideological commitment to Asia. ââ¬ËAsiaââ¬â¢ possesses great threat to Howard in matters of identity, considering the ease of immigration of ââ¬ËAsiaââ¬â¢ into Australia, making Howard make an argument giving ââ¬ËAsiaââ¬â¢ a rare opportunity to make entry and integrate into Australia. ââ¬ËAsiaââ¬â¢ was increasingly growing economically especially China in the global markets, and therefore, Australia would significantly benefit from the perspective; however, better ties would have to be developed between ââ¬ËAsiaââ¬â¢ and Australia. Chinese had been making entry into Australia and their significant numbers was a call for worry and hope in equal measures. The major way through which such a perspective would be achieved is by increasing the use of Asian
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Sustainable Talent Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
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